Simply put, there is no one size or solution that fits all.

One of our primary objectives when getting to know you is to discover what’s most important to you. What are your deepest intentions with the life you have created? What have you believed to be true about money and wealth? We want to know because there are two significant parts to creating the financial outcomes you desire. The first, are the tactics, tools, and strategies involved in your financial plan. Second, are your goals, ambitions, and highest intentions. We believe that the latter is what drives your financial behavior. We serve our clients by combining financial acumen with a human centric approach to planning and more importantly, results. You see, it’s your plan! We simply help you ask better questions of yourself and then align what you believe and want with the strategies that are best suited to your desired outcomes. 

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Future Taxation is very uncertain. If all of the money you have set aside to grow is Tax Deferred, then consider what potential future taxation might actually look like. History has shown us that tax rates will change. There are essentially two ways to reduce our national debt: spend less or tax more. What do you think the future will hold for our country as bills come due?

Many are discovering that after the Tax Man takes his cut, they don’t really have as much as they expected or even need. Most people do not properly manage or consider future taxation when saving. This is an important part of our our process. Tax exempt strategies give us the ability to create more buying power for our clients and remove the tax man from the equation.

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Do you make too much money to utilize tax advantaged savings through traditional retirement vehicles (i.e. E.R.I.S.A.)? Or maybe you can't save enough to establish the lifestyle you want because of the low limits. We specialize in advanced strategies that still provide tax benefits for those who are above the income thresholds of E.R.I.S.A (Qualified Accounts). 

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For many, Social Security is their largest asset. Unfortunately, most wait until the last minute to begin to understand the complexities of electing Social Security income benefits.  The rules are constantly changing as the government tries to figure out a long-term solution. SS Election planning should start early (age 50-60). We are experts and well equipped to advise you on the process of electing SS income benefits. We offer a free 1 hour review and continually provide Learning Events around this important decision. Don’t go it alone; let us help.  

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For those who want to establish future income in a tax exempt environment. Maybe you started saving a little later in life, or experienced a restart and need to play catch up. It could be that the typical Qualified plan savings limits are just not enough to provide the lifestyle you desire (for those with $100K+/yr household income). The beauty of these strategies is that they are powerful income mechanisms and in 5 years you could be done saving and have a piece of tax exempt income for your future financial independence.

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Preserving the longevity of income is crucial in developing a sustainable passive income stream that will last our clients for the rest of their life.  Establishing a strong income to longevity ratio secures our financial independence and freedom and does so in a way that carries on for future generations.  Income planning in retirement should take a number of factors into consideration:

  • Market volatility and Loss
  • Illness and unexpected events
  • Taxation
  • Preservation of underling assets

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For those starting, restarting, or upgrading their money story. We work with individuals and business leaders to facilitate the process of getting their time money and values aligned. We believe there is power in telling the proper money story. A story where you tell your money what to do and it listens! There is a place where your money, time, values, and beliefs align and you know the answers to the questions “Capacity for what?” and “Capacity for Who?” Our Capacity Coaching sessions are engaging, simple, and effective.

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There are two compelling questions everyone needs to answer:

  • Who do you want to make decisions if you were incapacitated or passed away: You or the courts (probate)?
  • How much of your estate do you want to be paid to courts and lawyers?

Do you know that you already have an estate plan.  Its either your plan or the governments plan.  Who do you want making some of your most important life decisions, you or the government/judges? How much of your estate do you want to be paid to courts and lawyers?  The question becomes will it have to go through probate.  If you don't have a trust in place it will. Properly planning an estate and inheritance is something most people put off.  There is so much that we all have going on in our lives and estate planning ends up being put into the "someday bucket".  Some of the common reasons we hear are:

  • It's too complicated
  • I don't have enough assets
  • It's uncomfortable
  • It cost's too much

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Properly utilized gifting allows for generational wealth creation while simultaneously giving you the option to maintain control of the assets. When utilized properly, Gifting Strategies have significant tax benefits.

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This is where meaningful money takes over and establishes not only inheritance for your family, but legacy with a cause - a cause you deeply believe in. You get to tell your money how to make a meaningful impact in the world. You get to express what’s important to you. Many believe that Charitable Giving strategies pull inheritance away from family members. We use advanced strategies that allow you to support the causes you care about without taking away from family inheritance.

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These are high net worth solutions created to mitigate the impact of estate taxation. We have developed a proactive design that keeps more money in the hands of your heirs, and less in Uncle Sam’s. Think of it as a tax efficient inheritance strategy for multiple generations ($25M+ estate requirements may apply).

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Increase the financial longevity of a Trust so that it supports multiple generations. Our trust strategies are elegantly designed to maximize tax efficiency. Sometimes, an estate grows to a point where it can support multiple generations; however, the drag (outflow) begins to outpace gains and trust assets become depleted or over-utilized. Simply put, we help bring solutions which replenish those assets and extend the life cycle of a family trust.

Reach out for a free consultation today!

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